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Arizona State University, 2023



SIDEWALK CHALK (26:08 performance) 5:52 Video



Wearing a white shirt and white shorts, I walk into frame and pull a "child's" briefcase of colorful chalk out of a another, "adult" briefcase. I proceed to unlatch my case, pick out a piece of chalk and slowly outline my seated body. It evolves as my body becomes increasingly active and I continuously trace myself in chalk without pause, except to change color.


I am insisting on my own existence. Questioning our perception of growing over time and the ways in which one might engage with the world as an adolescent and as an adult. The performance ends when I'm done working for the day.





A FLUXUS ORCHESTRA: Across Five States (asynchronous group performance) 1:29 Video



This is the result of Fluxus score: Rainbow No. 2 for Orchestra by the artist Ay-O, in which I asked people to participate through social media. "A totally inexperienced orchestra plays a 7 note major scale on various instruments."


Featuring: Guitar 1 (Jake Rinker), Guitar 2 (Mike Coles), Piano 1 (Pam Rinker), Piano 2 (Cindy Sharitt), and Wind Instrumentation - Piccolo, Flute, Clarinet {with no reed} (Michael Isgett).

Special thanks to these folks for collaborating on this performance.








I perform here in three Fluxus art performances for the sake of taking personal orchestration seriously​, you will see three acts sequentially that give three different spaces of viewer entanglement. Are you a captive audience member who silently applauds alongside the successes and failures of finding resonance in various spaces?


Attune by Larry Miller:

"Find which note in the octave is yours."


Two Durations by George Brecht:




Rainbow No. 2 for Orchestra by Ay-O:

"A totally inexperienced orchestra plays a 7 note major scale on various instruments."





POMEGRANATE HOW TO (26:45 performance) 10:45 Video



I invite you into my home to become intimately involved with deseeding a pomegranate in a clean, precise, and thoughtful way. What happens when we mindfully engage with tasks and chores, something such as cooking or cleaning? finding a deep appreciation and reverence in beholding what is right in front of us. In front of me in front of you. A honed craft. A practice.





INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (1 hr performance) 4:25 Video

Arizona State University, School of Art's Letterpress Studio: Vandercook Press and 100 page blank sketchbook



An impossible task: to Print text without using ink.

For ​an hour duration, I blind embossed 100 pages from a blank sketchbook, rendering a blank stack of cheap, torn out pages that have meticulously run twice through the press. The inkless artifacts of such a meditative repetitious process harvest poems twice read:


"i run my fingers through the silky

cool twilight. her luminous glow

now dimmed, and her

wonderfully bountiful fall is here!"

-Jake Rinker





BACK ACNE 2:43 Video (full performance)



I display the terrain of my back, letting the natural way one picks at bumps and zits determine red marks left behind on my skin as a canvas, a drawing that will disappear (though perhaps lead to increased long term scarring). With this, there comes questions of short term and long term mindsets...collective historical knowledge may or may not impact today's decisions. Time is a personal experience and we attempt to live in the past, present, and future at the same...time. 





The Planets: JUST IN SUITCASE 5:39 Video



Leaving feels more like, “returning,” because i think of going “back home.” 

The familiarity was the thing that drew me in. The surprises are the things that invite me to stay.

I arrive to destinations, every day, within myself.


Revering my suitcase as a cherished friend to the orchestral soundtrack of Gustav Holst's "The Planets," we go on a journey together as if stumbling upon a lost suitcase...perhaps it was mine. Perhaps I'm finding my way back to myself. Again. Again. Again.




Images and text © 2012-2024   RACHEL RINKER

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